

2016-06-30 ZSH 研之成理


在论文写作中,很多情况下需要多次提到同一内容。典型的,Abstract, introduction, conclusion中经常会强调本文的重要实验结果,而对于一篇论文而言,这些结果自然是相同的。那么,一段话是否能够在文章中重复出现三次呢?当然不可以。那么如何来解决这个问题呢?这就是今天我们要分享的内容——论文写作中的重述语意。熟练地运用重述语意并不容易,今天我们稍微简单一点,给大家展示下前辈们是怎么做的,也让大家了解下重述语意是个什么东西。



第一篇范文是中科大谢毅院士,孙永福研究员课题组2014年发表在JACS上的一篇文章,题目为Oxygen Vacancies Confined in Ultrathin Indium Oxide Porous Sheets for Promoted Visible-Light Water Splitting. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2014, 136 (19), 6826–6829.

A. 示例


Herein, O-vacancies confined in atomically thin sheets is proposed as an excellent platform to study the O-vacancy–photocatalysis relationship. As an example,O-vacancy-rich/-poor 5-atom-thick In2O3 porous sheets are first synthesized via a mesoscopic-assembly fast-heating strategy, taking advantage of an artificial hexagonal mesostructured In-oleate complex. Theoretical/experimental results reveal that the O-vacancies endow 5-atom-thick In2O3 sheets with a new donor level and increased states of density, hence narrowing the band gap from the UV to visible regimeand improving the carrier separation efficiency.


Herein, conceptually new O-vacancies confined inatomically thin sheets is first presented as an ideal material model for disclosing atomic-level insights into the role of O-vacancies in photocatalysis.Taking the typical oxide semiconductor cubic-In2O3 as an example, a perfect 5-atom-thick In2O3 slab and oxygen-defect 5-atom-thick In2O3 slab with O-vacancies are initially built and density functional theory calculations are implemented to study the effect of O-vacancies on the electronic structure.


B. 分析


1. Abstract第一句:O-vacancies confined in atomically thin sheetsis proposed as an excellent platform to study the O-vacancy–photocatalysis relationship.

在Introduction中变成了:Herein, conceptually new O-vacancies confined in atomically thin sheets is first presented as an ideal material model for disclosing atomic-level insights into the role of O-vacancies in photocatalysis.


Proposed-->Presented; as an excellent platform--> as an ideal material model


to study the O-vacancy–photocatalysis relationship -->for disclosing atomic-level insights into the role of O-vacancies in photocatalysis.

2. Abstract第二句:As an example,O-vacancy-rich/-poor 5-atom-thick In2O3 porous sheets are first synthesized via a mesoscopic-assembly fast-heating strategy, taking advantage of an artificial hexagonal mesostructured In-oleate complex. 

在Introduction中变成了:Taking the typical oxide semiconductor cubic-In2O3 as an example, a perfect 5-atom-thick In2O3 slab and oxygen-defect 5-atom-thick In2O3 slab with O-vacancies are initially built and density functional theory calculations are implemented to study the effect of O-vacancies on the electronic structure.


O-vacancy-rich/-poor 5-atom-thick In2O3 porous sheets--> a perfect 5-atom-thick In2O3 slab and oxygen-defect 5-atom-thick In2O3 slab with O-vacancies

synthesized via a mesoscopic-assembly fast-heating strategy, taking advantage of an artificial hexagonal mesostructured In-oleate complex-->are initially built

重述语意的好处:1)语句灵活而不单调,可以增强文章的可读性,读者的耐性以及审稿人的好感;2) 多种不同的表达形式可以让读者更好地理解所表达的意思

第二篇范文是University of Oregon, Shannon Boettcher课题组2015年发表在Chem. Mater.上的一篇文章,题目为Fe (Oxy)hydroxide Oxygen Evolution Reaction Electrocatalysis: Intrinsic Activity and the Roles of Electrical Conductivity, Substrate, and Dissolution. Chem. Mater., 2015, 27 (23), pp 8011–8020.



Here, we report a systematic investigation of Fe (oxy)hydroxide OER catalysis in alkaline media. At low overpotentials of ∼350 mV, the catalyst dissolution rate is low, the activity is dramatically enhanced by an AuOx/Au substrate, and the geometric OER current density is largely independent of mass loading. At higher overpotentials of ∼450 mV, the dissolution rate is high, the activity is largely independent of substrate choice, and the geometric current density depends linearly on loading. These observations, along with previously reported in situ conductivity measurements, suggest a new model for OER catalysis on Fe (oxy)hydroxide. At low overpotentials, only the first monolayer of the electrolyte-permeable Fe (oxy)hydroxide, which is in direct contact with the conductive support, is OER-active due to electrical conductivity limitations. On Au substrates, Fe cations interact with AuOx after redox cycling, leading to enhanced intrinsic activity over FeOOH on Pt substrates. At higher overpotentials, the conductivity of Fe (oxy)hydroxide increases, leading to a larger fraction of the electrolyte-permeable catalyst film participating in catalysis. Comparing the apparent activity of the putative Fe active sites in/on different hosts/surfaces supports a possible connection between OER activity and local structure.


Here, we report a systematic study of FeOOH OER catalysts in alkaline media with the aim of addressing each of the above issues. First, we prepared films by three different deposition methods and found evidence that FeOOH is the surface species responsible for OER. Using a quartz crystal microbalance (QCM) to monitor mass in situ, we found that FeOOH dissolves in 1 M KOH electrolyte and that the dissolution rate increases with overpotential. Measuring FeOOH films with different thicknesses (mass loading) revealed that the geometric OER current density is constant with loading at low overpotentials, whereas it increases with loading at high overpotentials. These observations, coupled with our earlier in situ conductivity measurements, led us to propose a model in which only a fraction of the FeOOH film next to the conducting substrate is electron-accessible and OER-active. At more anodic potentials, the electrical conductivity increases, along with the fraction of the film that is OER-active. Finally, we report the OER activity enhancement of FeOOH on Au substrates, which appears to be dependent on the formation of mixed FeOOH-AuOx film upon potential cycling across the Au redox wave in the presence of solution Fe impurities or a FeOx film.


We investigated the OER on FeOOH in alkaline media as a function of deposition method, film thickness (i.e., loading), and substrate type. At η = 350 mV, the electrical conductivity of FeOOH limits the number of Fe cations that can participate in OER, with only first ∼0.1 μg cm–2 being sufficiently electrically integrated. These interfacial Fe cations are also influenced by the substrate, with the FeOOH on Au being substantially more active than on Pt. We found that the activation of FeOOH on Au depends on the electrode cycling history: Fe cations are activated for OER only when the Au substrate is cycled through the Au/AuOx redox transition. At higher overpotentials (η = 450 mV), the electrical conductivity of FeOOH increases, more of the film (up to ∼5 μg cm–2) becomes OER active, and the geometric OER currents are similar on both Au and Pt. We also found that FeOOH films dissolved in 1 M KOH and that the dissolution rate was enhanced under anodic bias, suggesting the formation of soluble FeO42–.




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